oklahoma makeup artists deserve


no obstáculos

Oklahoma requires makeup artists to get 600 hours of training in school before they are ever allowed to earn a penny – regardless of their existing skillset and talents, alternative educational options, or background.

It’s 2023: it doesn’t make sense to require makeup artists to spend so much time in a traditional school.  Plus, schools don’t teach talent and passion.  Thousands of talented makeup artists have accumulated millions of followers on social media—and never spent an hour in a formal program.

Cosmetology school is a BIG investment – and beauty professionals have to spend a lot of money before they are ever allowed to work.  And often, traditional cosmetology courses teach makeup artists little in the way of relevant skills.

The Oklahoma Legislature is considering a bill that would allow makeup artists to work without the state license that requires 600 hours of traditional schooling.

muas could decide how they want to train and spend their money.

did you know:


This has saved MUAs money and time and allowed them to focus on building their careers based on their talent, passion, and reputation, and not on a state-issued certificate.

help us create opportunities and decrease costs for makeup artists in oklahoma

Please fill out the form below if you have questions or want to support this legislation, and we will reach out with additional information about the bill.


prestados para asistir a la escuela de cosmetología

Los aspirantes a profesionales de la belleza invierten, en promedio, $16,000 para asistir a una escuela de cosmetología requerida por el estado. Además, después de gastar todo este dinero, muchos todavía tienen que recibir capacitación adicional porque su escuela no les enseñó lo que necesitaban aprender.

un promedio de

prestados para asistir a la escuela de cosmetología

Los estudiantes a menudo se endeudan mucho con los préstamos estudiantiles para pagar la escuela. Sin embargo, los programas rara vez permiten que los estudiantes se gradúen a tiempo, lo que retrasa o incluso bloquea la entrada de los aspirantes a profesionales de la belleza en el mercado laboral y aumenta la carga de su deuda. 


hours in school to become a MUA

Oklahoma requires 600 hours of traditional school to become a makeup artist – even though there are so many other options to learn, and many of the skills are self-taught. 

No est justo that beauty professionals face steeper and more costly licensing requirements than those in many other jobs.


Chefs prepare food that is ingested by customers and aren’t required to get a license or go to school. They take a short, simple sanitation course, and the restaurant is subject to inspections. It’s up to the chef whether they want to go to culinary school.  


In Oklahoma, EMTs – who administer life-saving aid – have to get 252 hours of training to get a license to work; that’s less than half of what the state demands of MUAs.


Mientras los aspirantes a profesionales de la belleza están en la escuela,gastando money and en lugar de ganando dinero money—those in other occupations are learning on the job or practicing their crafts while earning a living from day one. That’s not fair.

Beauty, Not Barriers is an initiative of the nonprofit institute for justice, dedicated to uplifting the beauty industry by breaking down barriers that force far too many beauty artists into debt or out of work, or make it too hard to hire. 
Beauty professionals deserve flexibility and options, like so many other occupations enjoy—not an outdated approach that demands costly hours of traditional training, regardless of one’s existing talent, skillset, alternative training options, or background.
Creemos que makeup artists deserve better.

Más información

Institute for Justice es una organización sin fines de lucro que trabaja junto con profesionales de la belleza y otros trabajadores en todo el país para cambiar las leyes que hacen que les sea difícil ganarse la vida. A menudo, las leyes estatales exigen demasiado para trabajar en una profesión, como una capacitación costosa que suele enseñar cosas que no son necesarias.  

  • Existen alternativas a este tipo de leyes que son mejores, de menor costo y menos desafiantes.
  • Las alternativas facilitarían el trabajo en la industria tanto para los profesionales de la belleza existentes como para los aspirantes.  
  • Apoyamos la belleza, la oportunidad, el espíritu empresarial, el profesionalismo y la seguridad. Estamos en contra de los obstáculos.